Tree Care and Planting in Denton, TX
Date January 07, 2021
Trees are an important part of the Denton landscape. They give us shade in the summer and add nuance to our yards all year long. Some trees even provide fruits or nuts for us and the neighborhood wildlife, making trees an important part of our ecosystem. They work hard every year to collect sunlight and turn it into energy to do their job.
Like every living thing, trees require care and attention to perform their best, but the payoff is worth the effort. If you’re considering adding a tree to your yard or property this year, or if you already have one and you’d like to learn more about how to care for it properly, here are some suggestions for where to start with your tree care and planting in Denton, TX.
Understanding the Denton soil and climate
Texas hosts a wide variety of landscaping, climate, vegetation, and more than 1,300 different soil types. To help us make some sense of the variation, Texas has been divided into 21 major land resource areas (MLRA) based on similar soils, climate, vegetation, topography, and land uses. The first thing to figure out before planting a tree in Denton is which MLRA your property is located within. Denton County is a part of three regions: Grand Prairie, Eastern Cross Timbers, and Blackland Prairie. Knowing a little bit about the soil, landscaping, climate, and vegetation within the MLRA where your property is located can help you make educated choices about your landscaping.
Fertilization and soil testing
Although we tend to focus on the part of the tree above ground, what’s happening below ground is the most important part of a tree’s overall health and vitality. The root system determines the strength, alignment, and health of the tree, and you get healthy roots by first having dynamic soil. But before you go to a garden center to buy a bunch of fertilizer that you may or may not need, you should get a soil test. Soil testing can tell you the nutrient level, pH, and organic content levels in your soil.
It’s important to do a soil test before adding fertilizer because your soil might already be rich in certain nutrients, and you don’t want to overload it with unnecessary additions. On the other hand, your soil might be especially lacking in certain elements. A soil test will let you know what needs to be added and how much. To test your soil, start by contacting Denton County AgriLife Extension Services. They can provide you with instructions and soil collection bags. If you have questions about fertilization or soil, please reach out to our team. Our certified tree experts Denton are available to answer questions or help in any way.
Trees that thrive in Denton
Dozens of trees thrive in Denton county, and there are a few prevalent trees. If you need help deciding which tree would work best for your yard, consider working with a Denton professional tree service. We’d be happy to put you in contact with a certified arborist Denton property owners know and trust. Here are some trees we recommend you take a look at if you’re thinking of planting a tree on a Denton area property:
- American Elm is a popular tree in Denton county that’s fast-growing and tolerates a wide range of conditions.
- Baldcypress is another popular tree that’s excellent at adapting to many soil and moisture conditions.
- Bur Oak is a tree that’s known for being drought-tolerant and well-adapted to a variety of conditions.
- Cedar Elm is a tough, drought-tolerant, shade tree that’s adaptable to a variety of conditions.
- Pecan, the state tree of Texas, is popular both in the wild and among property owners in Denton but is known for needing a lot of room.
- Shumard Oak is a popular, widely available tree that grows acorns and prefers well-drained soils.
- Sweetgum is a tree known for its rapid, upright growth, star-shaped leaves, and spiky seed balls it produces.
- Chinkapin Oak is an excellent shade tree that thrives in limestone soils.
- Texas Red Oak is one of several red oaks available. It has a distinct bark texture, brilliant fall color, and grows acorns.
- Green Ash is yet another tree that tolerates a range of soil conditions, but it needs regular pruning to encourage a strong branch structure.
- Honey Mesquite is also a native that needs pruning to develop a strong branch and trunk structure, but its drought-tolerance makes it worthwhile.
Tips for planting
If you’re planning to plant a new tree in Denton, there are a few things you should take into account before you start digging:
- Plan for available space. Different trees grow to different shapes and sizes. Consider the tree’s mature height and spread, as well as the spread of the roots. A small tree only needs about 60 square feet, while a large tree needs more like 180 square feet. Don’t plant a tree too close to your house, and avoid areas where your tree will block signs or street corners.
- When choosing a tree at the nursery, look for these signs of a high-quality tree. A quality tree has healthy roots that fill but don’t encircle the pot. Look for a tree with a single trunk, not a tree with multiple trunks or a V-shaped trunk. Check the tree for wounds, undersized leaves, insects, fungus, or other potential diseases.
- How you plant your tree will depend on the type of tree you’re planting, so do a little extra research first. There are a few things, however, that are pretty standard. When you dig the hole, it should be two to three times the root ball’s diameter, and it should be deep enough that the top of the root ball is level with the ground. Fill the first half to three-quarters of the hole with the original soil, and then run a slow-flowing hose into the hole. Water thoroughly, then fill the rest of the hole with the original soil. Add mulch on top, but keep it away from the trunk and don’t make a large pile. Just a two-to four-inch layer will do the trick. Young trees should be wrapped around the base to protect them from hot or cold weather.
- Young trees need to be pruned to develop a healthy alignment and structure. This can be a tricky task and is best left to the professionals, so we suggest you reach out to an expert tree service in Denton. Our ISA Certified Arborists are always available.
We can help
We are the tree care experts Denton homeowners trust. We are proud to be a part of the Denton community, and we take our mission to save Denton trees very seriously. If you have questions or concerns about your tree’s health and are looking for a tree arborist in Denton, please give us a call. Our ISA Certified Arborists are available to talk with you or visit your property to assess more serious concerns. Call us at tel:(817) 592-6846 for more information.
To learn more about Tree Care and Planting in Denton, TX, call our Argyle and Southlake based teams
at tel:(817) 592-6846 or send us a message.
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Healthy trees, healthy lives.