What’s the Difference Between Fusarium and Verticillium Wilt?

Date May 31, 2022


Author TreeNewal Staff

When it comes to wilting diseases, there are two main types of fungi that can cause them: Fusarium and Verticillium. Both of these fungi can cause severe damage to trees, but they do so in different ways. In this TreeNewal blog post, we will highlight the difference between fusarium and verticillium wilt, as well as tree disease management for distressed trees caused by these fungi.

What is Fusarium Wilt?

Fusarium wilt is a fungal disease that affects a fairly narrow range of plant types, including trees. The fungus enters the tree through the roots and then grows up into the trunk and branches, causing the tree to wilt and die. Fusarium wilt is most commonly found in warm climates, but it can also occur in cooler climates if the conditions are right.

What is Verticillium Wilt?

Verticillium wilt is another fungal disease that affects a much wider variety of plant types, including trees. Unlike fusarium wilt, verticillium wilt does not usually kill the tree outright. Instead, it causes the tree to slowly decline over time, eventually leading to death. Verticillium wilt is most commonly found in cooler climates, but it can also occur in warmer climates if the conditions are right.

What are the Similarities Between Fusarium and Verticillium Wilt?

There are a few similarities between fusarium and verticillium wilt, including the following:

  • Both diseases are caused by fungi.
  • Both diseases are soil-borne and affect the vascular systems of plants and trees.
  • Both diseases can cause the tree to discolor, stunt, crack, wilt and die.

What Is the Difference Between Fusarium and Verticillium Wilt?

There are also a few differences between fusarium and verticillium wilt, including the following:

  • As the names imply, Fusarium wilt is caused by Fusarium fungus, while Verticillium wilt is caused by Verticillium fungus.
  • Fusarium wilt is most commonly found in warm climates, while Verticillium wilt is most commonly found in cooler climates.
  • Fusarium wilt usually kills the tree outright, while Verticillium wilt causes the tree to slowly decline over time.
  • Fusarium wilt enters the tree through the roots, while verticillium wilt can enter the tree through the leaves or stems.
  • Fusarium wilt is host-specific, while Verticillium wilt is hosted by almost 200 different plant types.

How to Manage Tree Disease Caused by Fusarium or Verticillium

If you think your tree may be infected with fusarium or verticillium wilt, it is important to contact an ISA-Certified Arborist or tree care professional immediately. These professionals will be able to properly diagnose the disease and recommend a course of treatment, often a careful application of a particular fungicide. In some cases, trees can be successfully treated for fusarium or verticillium wilt. However, in other cases, the best course of action may be to remove the tree and dispose of it properly.

Both fusarium and verticillium wilt can cause serious damage to tree health, but they do so in different ways. It is important to be familiar with both diseases so that you can properly diagnose and treat them if necessary. If you think your tree may be infected with either disease, contact a certified arborist and tree care professional at TreeNewal immediately.

If you need advice or assistance with keeping your plants and trees free of wilting diseases, get in touch with the ISA-Certified Arborists at TreeNewal and enjoy tailored tree care advice.


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