Most Common Questions About Tree Care In Spring

Date April 27, 2021

Author TreeNewal Staff

Spring is in full swing, and that means it’s time for spring tree care. If you have questions in spring about the health of your tree, you’re not alone. This is the busiest time of the year for most tree care professionals because it’s the time of year when our trees need a little extra attention. Here are the most common questions we get from customers in the spring and some tree care tips to help you optimize your tree’s health.

Why are so many of the leaves on my tree dead or discolored?

You should always closely monitor your tree’s health, and spring is an opportune time to check for signs of pests, disease, and damage. If your tree has dead or discolored leaves, that means it could be sick. A few dead leaves don’t cause panic. It’s normal to see some leaves dying and turning brown, even on healthy trees. If you notice a clump of dead leaves, chances are there’s a dead branch that you need to trim away. Even on large, healthy trees, branches die as a part of the tree’s natural life cycle.

However, multiple dead branches are cause for alarm. If you notice several branches with brown leaves or no leaves at all, try snapping off one of the smaller twigs. If it breaks easily and is dry and brittle, your tree could be dying or dead. Check for any apparent signs of sickness or damage. Do you see any open wounds on the limbs or tree trunk? Are there insects are the tree leaves and stems? Is there mold or fungus growing on the branches? Look for missing bark. Don’t be too alarmed about small patches of missing bark, but large patches cause concern.

While it might end up being a minor issue that’s easily solved, there could be more complex problems at hand. If an issue is left undetected and untreated for too long, it is possible for a tree to become too far gone to be saved and will instead have to be removed. If you think your tree might be sick or dying, you should reach out to TreeNewal’s tree doctors immediately.

What should I do if a branch on my tree is dead?

In North Texas, you should generally prune your trees before temperatures drop in the fall or before the trees leaf out in the spring. This protects your trees from pests and diseases that prey on vulnerable trees with open wounds. However, the removal of dead or diseased branches can be done at any time of the year and should be a part of your yearly tree care routine to maintain the health of your trees. Keep in mind, though, that removing large branches, especially if they’ve been damaged during the winter, can be extremely dangerous and should be done by a professional who has the tools and knowledge to remove them safely. TreeNewal’s tree surgeons are available to help!

How do I plant a tree?

When planting a new tree in spring, you can give your tree the best possible start using the following techniques when planting: The first thing you need to do is identify the tree’s trunk flare, where the trunk expands the tree’s base. The trunk flare should be peaking out of the soil, so the hole you dig should be two to three times as wide as the root ball of your sapling, but just deep enough that the trunk flare will be partially visible once planted. After you place the tree in the hole, ensure that it’s straight before backfilling. Stabilize the tree by packing dirt around the root ball and then remove any wrapping, string, or wire. Continue to backfill the hole gently but firmly. You want to avoid creating air pockets in the soil, which could dry out the roots, so use water to settle the soil around the root ball. Don’t fertilize the soil during planting, but do mulch once the hole is sufficiently backfilled.

Should I water my trees in the spring?

If you have young or newly planted trees, they will need a lot of water to kick start their lives. The first three years are the most critical. You need to keep the soil moist but not water-logged. In general, a young tree should get five gallons of water per week per caliper inch. To determine the caliper inch, measure the diameter of the trunk six inches from the ground. However, keep in mind that site location, soil type, drainage, and rainfall can affect that amount. During summer, increase the amount of supplemental watering for young trees to ten gallons per caliper inch. During a week of heavy rainfall, skip the supplemental watering. Be wary of water sitting at the base of the planting hole and water-logged soil. Over-watering can kill a newly planted tree.

Pay attention to your mature trees as well. In North Texas, trees need water in the spring for the growing season, in the summer when it’s especially hot and dry, and sometimes in the fall and winter if we have periods without rainfall. For established trees (three or more years after planting), irrigation schedules and amounts may vary. Research your tree to understand its specific watering needs. Many native Texas trees are drought-tolerant and might not need as much supplemental watering. If you have questions or concerns, one of TreeNewal’s ISA Certified Arborists can visit your property to determine a customized tree care plan.

Should I mulch in the spring? How?

Mulching in the spring is an essential part of spring tree care. It will help prepare your trees for the upcoming hot, dry summer weather that can damage your tree’s roots. To protect your trees and shrubs from damage, you should ensure they have a fresh layer of mulch. Mulch acts as a protective layer over your tree’s roots, keeping the soil moist and cool. Just make sure to use proper mulching techniques. You don’t want to over mulch as that can cause a host of other issues. Put down a layer of mulch about two to four inches thick and keep the mulch a few inches away from the tree’s trunk.

TreeNewal can help!

If you have questions about spring tree care or need some more care tips, our ISA Certified Arborists are available to visit your property and assess your tree’s health. TreeNewal is a certified arborist tree service with two certified arborists on staff and a team of highly qualified tree care experts. If you need professional tree care, our tree doctors in Dallas are the best in the business. They can make knowledgeable recommendations for optimizing your tree’s health. We care about tree health care at all stages of the tree life cycle. We are experts on both young and mature trees, and we offer a variety of expert tree care services, such as tree planting, tree trimming, tree pruning, disease and pest control, root aeration, and tree removal. For more information, go to our website at To set up an appointment, call us at tel:(817) 592-6846.

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