We Offer ISA Certified Arborist Tree Surveys & Assist with Westlake Tree Mitigation Services

TreeNewal helps developers and property owners navigate Westlake tree preservation ordinances.

What is Tree Mitigation?

Tree Mitigation is the compensation for removing protected trees from a construction site. All cities have tree preservation plans and ordinances to help protect and ensure the sustainability of community forests. As part of the tree preservation plan, cities require tree mitigation to restore the site’s green space. The specific regulations for protected tree removal and mitigation vary from city to city. As a sustainable tree care company, TreeNewal offers tree mitigation services to protect existing trees, minimize compliance costs, and assist property owners with meeting local tree preservation ordinances.


About TreeNewal

Our ISA Certified Arborists play a significant role in assisting homeowners, developers, and commercial businesses in facilitating the town of Westlake’s tree preservation and mitigation requirements. Trees are impacted through removals, damage, compaction, trenching, excavation, and other site activities. We also offer proactive tree services that will enhance the sustainability of trees kept on the property. TreeNewal is dedicated to educating customers about the importance of tree mitigation and helping with lowering mitigation fees and navigating the Westlake tree reforestation process.

How Does Westlake Tree Mitigation Work?

Westlake has specific tree ordinances to encourage the preservation of mature trees and natural areas, protect trees during construction, and provide protected tree removal if needed. The city’s tree ordinances aim to attract new businesses and residents and promote Westlake’s environmental and rural character.

  • All public or private properties, including rights-of-way, public easements, franchises, and utility easements, are required to obtain permits for protected tree removal.
  • Upon approval, applicants must replace the protected trees being removed with trees listed in Westlake’s approved plant list.
  • Replacement trees must be equal in the caliper to the diameter of the tree removed and have a minimum 3″ caliper measured 12″ from the ground and 10′ in height when planted.
  • Replacement trees must be planted on the same site unless the building official determines conditions are not feasible
  • In this case, property owners can plant replacement trees on a different approved property or make a payment to the Westlake Reforestation Fund.
  • The payment amount is calculated based on market prices for acquiring, planting, and maintaining a tree for one year.

For protected trees not approved for removal, Westlake requires a construction plan to ensure contractors do not harm trees on the site. The construction plan must include tree surveys and preservation measures, including tree flagging, protective fencing, and bark protection. Our ISA Certified Arborists can assist with keeping construction compliant with Westlake ordinances and providing proactive tree care to enhance existing tree sustainability. 

Why Treenewal?

The tree mitigation process is complex and can be challenging to navigate without the expertise of a Westlake tree service company. TreeNewal offers tree surveys and tree mitigation services to developers, builders, and property owners in North Texas. As part of the tree mitigation plan, our ISA Certified Arborists inspect tree health and evaluate the condition of the trees on a construction site. If the protected tree is dying, has significant decay, or is infested or diseased and must be removed, a Certified Arborist will assist in lowering mitigation fees and help property owners conform to local tree preservation ordinances.


Give Us A Call Today!

For all your Westlake Tree Surveys & Tree Mitigation needs, feel confident knowing that our ISA Certified Arborists are perfect for the job. Call us at 817-533-8438 for the best Tree Surveys & Tree Mitigation services in Westlake, TX, today!

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