We Perform Tree Maintenance

Learn how TreeNewal can help your landscape

DFW Tree Care Specialists

TreeNewal is a team of Westlake ISA Certified Arborists. We’re DFW tree care specialists who have specific education and training in providing tree services to homeowners and commercial properties. Whatever type of tree maintenance you need to be performed, our team is ready to help you.

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About TreeNewal

Our ISA Certified Arborists have been caring for Westlake trees for 15 years. We know all about the North Texas landscape and the trees that live here. We’ve helped provide tree services to your neighbors, and we can assist you with your tree maintenance needs, too.

Our Tree Services

At TreeNewal, we’re proud to be a full-service tree care company. Our DFW tree care specialists can perform a variety of tree services for you, including:

Tree Nutrition – Let us help you nourish your trees so that they remain healthy trees. Our ISA certified arborists create their own special blend of tree fertilizer. We can also perform root aeration to increase oxygen flow to any oxygen-suppressed trees you may have.

Tree Health Assessments – While we want your trees to be healthy trees, we know Mother Nature doesn’t always let that happen. Trees can become infected with fungal tree diseases or infested with pests, leaving them at risk. If you suspect you have an unhealthy tree, call our ISA certified arborists. We’ll perform a tree health assessment, determine the root cause of the problem, and put together a tree care plan for you.

Tree Trimming – Tree trimming is an important tree maintenance task that needs to be performed every year, during the proper season according to your tree species. Tree trimming gives your trees an aesthetically-appealing shape and helps them grow and thrive by removing dead branches or broken limbs.

Tree Removal – We can help you remove storm damaged trees, fallen trees, or trees that are in the way of property improvement projects. We can also provide stump removal tree services, too.

Emergency Tree Services – Tree emergencies are real, especially after bad storms that contain heavy winds and lightning strikes. If you have a tree emergency, our DFW tree care specialists can help. We can come to your site and stabilize the situation on your property.

Why Choose Us

When you need tree maintenance help, you want to make sure you’re working with a quality team of DFW tree care specialists. That’s exactly who our ISA Certified Arborists are. We’ve been caring for Westlake trees for 15 years, and we can help you with your tree care needs too.

Our Commitment To Quality

We believe that a job worth doing is a job worth doing well. We promise to provide you with great tree services and excellent customer service. We wanted to become your go-to tree maintenance partner for all your future tree care needs.


If you need tree maintenance in Westlake, you need to call our DFW tree care specialists. Reach TreeNewal’s ISA Certified Arborists today by calling 817-533-8438


See the arborist difference in your landscape

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