Understanding the Unique Needs of Post Oaks in Dallas

Date August 17, 2023

Author TreeNewal Staff

Post oaks are stunning trees that can bring majesty and beauty to a property. They typically have strong, thick trunks and dark green leaves with a lighter yellow underside, characterized by a fuzzy texture. To make sure these trees thrive in the Dallas area, learn about their most unique needs, along with ways to maintain proper post oak care.


When planting a post oak tree, it’s best to find an area with sandy or clay-type soil. As post oaks usually thrive in dry conditions, planting them in an overall dry area can protect them from standing water during precipitation. It’s also common to plant post oaks in the springtime. For added protection from potential weevil larvae in acorns, homeowners can soak the acorns they want to plant in hot water for around 30 minutes to kill the larvae present.


Since post oaks thrive in drier climates and well-draining soil, it’s no surprise that they hate overwatering. It can be extremely easy to overwater these trees, as they only require watering every one or two weeks. To check whether it’s time to water your post oak, test the dryness of the soil by sticking a wooden stick into it and seeing at which point it becomes wet. Make sure to water the tree only when the top part of the soil is dry again.


Another unique aspect of post oak trees is their infrequent need for trimming and pruning. Post oaks typically only require pruning every two years, except in cases where they incur damage from weather or pests. Consider using a professional tree care service for trimming them, as preserving their canopies and shapes requires extreme precision.

Pest and Disease Control

Image via Flickr by Bernard DUPONT

Post oak trees can also attract an array of specific pests and diseases that affect their health. For example, acorn weevils and nut weevils often invade post oaks, laying their eggs in acorns during the summer so their larvae can eat through them during the fall. This results in damaged acorns that won’t grow new trees. Due to these and other pests, it’s important to regularly inspect post oak trees and administer pest control when invasive species are present.

There are diseases that can hurt post oaks as well, such as oak and oak leaf blister. That’s why it’s crucial to monitor the canopy of these trees so professionals can act fast when an inconsistency signaling a disease appears.

Leave the Post Oak Care to the Professionals

These are some of the most fascinating, unique needs of the post oak tree. If your home or area has post oak trees, consider hiring a professional tree care company such as TreeNewal to do all the work for you. This can ensure that your post oaks receive the trimming, watering, and pest control they need to thrive in the Dallas environment, keeping them healthy and gorgeous all year round.