Our Certified Arborist Offer Tree Surveys & Assist with Southlake Tree Mitigation Services

TreeNewal helps builders, developers, and property owners comply with Southlake tree preservation ordinances.

What is Tree Mitigation?

Tree Mitigation is the compensation for removing protected trees from a construction site. All cities have tree preservation plans and ordinances to help protect and ensure the sustainability of community forests. As part of the tree preservation plan, cities require tree mitigation to restore the site’s green space. The specific regulations for protected tree removal and mitigation vary from city to city. As a sustainable tree care company, TreeNewal offers tree mitigation services to protect existing trees, minimize compliance costs, and assist property owners with meeting local tree preservation ordinances.


About TreeNewal

Our ISA Certified Arborists plays a significant role in assisting homeowners, developers, and commercial businesses in facilitating the town of Southlake’s tree preservation and mitigation requirements. Trees are impacted through removals, damage, compaction, trenching, excavation, and other site activities. We also offer proactive tree services that will enhance the sustainability of trees kept on the property. TreeNewal is dedicated to educating customers about the importance of tree mitigation, helping to lower mitigation fees, and navigating the Southlake tree reforestation process.

How Does Southlake Tree Mitigation Work?

Southlake’s tree preservation ordinance ensures environmentally sensitive site planning, the further preservation of mature trees and natural areas, protection of trees during construction, and control for removing trees when necessary.

  • Altered trees must be replaced with an equivalent tree as designed in the landscape ordinance and approved by the administrative official. 
  • Tree replacement will only be considered after all design alternatives which could save more existing trees have been evaluated and reasonably rejected.
  • Replacement trees must be planted on the same lot as the tree removed. If replacement trees should not be planted on the same lot according to universally accepted arboricultural standards, options for tree mitigation include:
    • Plant trees on other private or public properties in Southlake with consent from both property owners and the administrative official.
    • If the replacement tree dies within 3 years of its planting date, the owner must replace the dead tree with a second replacement within 90 days.
    • Make a payment to the Southlake Reforestation Fund. The payment amount will be the average cost of a quality tree of similar size and type to the replacement tree otherwise planted, plus the cost of planting.

Southlake highly prioritizes environmental sustainability and stewardship. The town’s tree conservation plan requires a tree survey and protection plan, including fencing and signage. Our ISA Certified Arborist can assist with keeping construction compliant with Southlake tree ordinances and provide proactive tree care services to ensure the sustainability of existing and newly planted trees.

Why Treenewal?

The tree mitigation process is complex and can be challenging to navigate without the expertise of a Southlake tree service company. TreeNewal offers tree surveys and tree mitigation services to developers, builders, and property owners in North Texas. As part of the tree mitigation plan, our ISA Certified Arborists inspect tree health and evaluate the condition of the trees on a construction site. If the protected tree is dying, has significant decay, or is infested or diseased and must be removed, a Certified Arborist will assist in lowering mitigation fees and help property owners conform to local tree preservation ordinances.


Give Us A Call Today!

For all your Southlake Tree Surveys & Tree Mitigation needs, feel confident knowing that our ISA Certified Arborists are perfect for the job. Call us at 817-533-8438 for the best Tree Surveys & Tree Mitigation services in Southlake, TX, today!

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