Our Certified Arborist Offer Tree Surveys & Assist with Fort Worth Tree Mitigation Services

TreeNewal helps developers and property owners navigate tree preservation ordinances.

What is Tree Mitigation?

Tree Mitigation is the compensation for removing protected trees from a construction site. All cities have tree preservation plans and ordinances to help protect and ensure the sustainability of community forests. As part of the tree preservation plan, cities require tree mitigation to restore the site’s green space. The specific regulations for protected tree removal and mitigation vary from city to city. As a sustainable tree care company, TreeNewal offers tree mitigation services to protect existing trees, minimize compliance costs, and assist property owners with meeting local tree preservation ordinances.


About TreeNewal

Our ISA Certified Arborists play a significant role in assisting property owners, builders, and developers to facilitate Fort Worth tree preservation and mitigation requirements. Trees are impacted by removals, damage, compaction, trenching, excavation, and other site activities. We also offer proactive tree services that will enhance the sustainability of trees kept on the property. TreeNewal is dedicated to educating customers about the importance of tree mitigation, helping lower mitigation fees, and navigating Fort Worth tree preservation ordinances.

How Does Flower Mound Tree Mitigation Work?

The Fort Worth urban forestry ordinance aims to achieve 30% tree canopy coverage citywide and to promote a multi-aged urban forest. If a tree removal permit is granted, mitigation is needed to obtain the required canopy coverage percentage based on the city. Property owners responsible for tree mitigation must:

  • Plant replacement trees are listed on the Fort Worth Preferred Tree List. Trees not included will be considered by the city and granted on a case-by-case basis.
  • All newly planted trees that die within two years of project completion must be replaced.
  • Replacement trees must be located on the subject site whenever possible. If conditions for planting are not feasible, the city may authorize planting on another property.
  • Public projects may elect to mitigate required canopy coverage through payment to the Fort Worth Tree Fund at a rate of $600 per required tree.
  • For the removal of significant trees, the payment amount is calculated based on the total diameter of the specific tree x $200 per diameter inch or $4.94 per square foot of canopy.

To ensure the preservation of trees during development, Fort Worth requires a tree survey and protective measures for all trees within 50 feet of the site. Our ISA Certified Arborist can provide tree surveys and assist property owners in complying with Fort Worth urban forestry ordinances. We also offer proactive tree care services to ensure the sustainability of existing and newly planted trees.

Why Treenewal?

The tree mitigation process is complex and can be challenging to navigate without the expertise of a DFW tree service company. TreeNewal offers tree surveys and tree mitigation services to developers, builders, and property owners in North Texas. As part of the tree mitigation plan, our ISA Certified Arborists inspect tree health and evaluate the condition of the trees on a construction site. If the protected tree is dying, has significant decay, or is infested or diseased and must be removed, a Certified Arborist will assist in lowering mitigation fees and help property owners conform to local tree preservation ordinances.


Give Us A Call Today!

For all your Fort Worth Tree Surveys & Tree Mitigation needs, feel confident knowing that our ISA Certified Arborists are perfect for the job. Call us at 817-533-8438 for the best Tree Surveys & Tree Mitigation services in Fort Worth, TX, today!

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