We Prevent Tree Disease

Learn how TreeNewal can help your landscape

We Prevent Oak Wilt

Oak wilt is an unfortunate tree disease that requires an infected tree to be removed to prevent disease spread. Our ISA-certified arborists work to prevent your beautiful oak trees from ever contracting this tree disease. We protect tree health by only pruning out-of-season for emergencies, and treating all out-of-season pruning sites or tree wounds with tree dressing or paint.

tree service

About TreeNewal

At TreeNewal, we’re more than a Fort Worth tree services company. We are ISA-certified arborists, who have special training in assessing tree health and delivering tree care. In fact, we’ve been providing tree care and tree services to Fort Worth homeowners and property managers for 15 years.

Our Tree Services

As a local tree care company, we’re proud to offer an array of tree services. Our tree services include:

Oak Wilt Prevention – We avoid pruning trees out of season whenever possible. When trees do need to be pruned out of season or receive wounds, we treat them with tree dressing or paint to prevent the oak wilt tree disease.

Tree Nutrition – All trees need proper nutrition to grow and thrive. Our ISA-certified arborists have created a special blend of fertilizer to help your trees do just that. We can also perform root aeration, if needed, to increase oxygen flow to your oak trees.

Tree Pruning – We avoid pruning trees out of season whenever possible. When trees do need to be pruned out of season or receive wounds, we treat them with tree dressing or paint to prevent the oak wilt tree disease.

Tree Installation – We can help you add to your landscape by installing new trees – or transferring existing ones. Planting trees is a technical task…trust our ISA-certified arborists to perform tree installation for you.

Tree RemovalWhether you need a tree infected with oak wilt removed or you need a tree removed for another reason, we can help. We can even perform stump removal, too.

Tree Emergency Response Team – Tree emergencies are real. Heavy winds and lightning strikes can cause branches or limbs to fall or break. If you have a tree emergency, we can come to your property, stabilize the situation, and keep the people and structures on your property safe.

Why Choose Us

If you’re like most oak tree owners, you love these stately beauties. We want to help you protect and preserve them for generations to come. As arborists, we have the technical know-how to prevent this tree disease. We also have 15 years of experience preventing oak wilt right here in Fort Worth.

Our Commitment To Quality

We want to provide you with oak wilt tree disease prevention services, and great customer service too. We want to become your trusted tree care specialists for all future tree services you need.


To protect your oak trees from oak wilt, call our ISA-certified arborists. We can be reached at 817-533-8438.

See the arborist difference in your landscape

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