Responding to Tree Emergencies in Arlington: What You Need to Know

Date July 25, 2024

Author TreeNewal Staff

Tree-related emergencies can strike unexpectedly, posing risks to property and safety. Knowing how to respond is essential for mitigating potential damage. In this article, we explore the steps Arlington property owners should take when faced with a tree emergency, from identifying signs of danger to engaging professional arborists for expert assistance.

Identifying Tree Emergencies

Image via Unsplash by Marek Studzinski

Quickly recognizing potential tree hazards can prevent significant damage and accidents. Key signs of tree emergencies that require immediate action include the following:

  • Leaning trees: A lean of more than 20 degrees, especially with dead or wounded trunk sections, indicates instability.
  • Proximity to cables: Branches near power lines pose fire risks and require professional handling.
  • Falling or withering branches: Tree stability and safety become compromised if branches fall easily.
  • Trunk cavities: Hollow or decayed trunks weaken trees, necessitating removal.
  • Exposed roots: Uprooted or exposed roots destabilize trees, posing structural risks.
  • Fallen tree parts: Any fallen parts endangering public areas signal potential tree removal needs.
  • Dusty mildew: Powdery mildew on leaves suggests tree health issues requiring expert assessment and possible emergency care.

Homeowners should promptly address these issues with professional tree services such as TreeNewal to protect their property and family.

Steps To Take After a Tree Emergency

Tree emergencies and storm damage require careful handling to minimize further issues. Homeowners facing a tree emergency should follow the steps below to protect themselves and their property:

  • Assess the situation: Evaluate the tree’s condition from a safe distance. Avoid approaching the tree, especially if it’s near power lines, as there may be electrocution risks.
  • Secure the area: Keep people and pets away from the area. Use caution tape or barriers to prevent access until professionals arrive.
  • Alert emergency services: Call the fire department immediately if the tree is on fire. Similarly, if the tree is blocking a road or path, call emergency services to clear the area. If it affects power lines, contact the local power company.
  • Contact professionals: Immediately reach out to a certified arborist or emergency tree care service. These professionals have the expertise to handle tree emergencies safely and effectively.
  • Document the damage: Take photos or videos of the tree and any damage it has caused, maintaining a safe distance. This documentation will be valuable for insurance claims.

How Do Arborists Handle Tree Emergencies?

Handling a tree emergency requires expertise and caution. By involving trained professionals promptly, property owners ensure safety and efficiency. Certified arborists will assess the situation thoroughly to identify risks and determine the best course of action. They’ll use specialized equipment and expertise to mitigate immediate risks, such as unstable trees or branches. Their priority is to ensure the safety of individuals and protect property from further damage. Homeowners should always follow the guidance of professionals to resolve the emergency effectively.

Emergency Tree Care in Arlington, Texas

Arborists play a pivotal role in assessing tree emergencies, mitigating risks, and preventing further damage. For Arlington homeowners facing tree emergencies, TreeNewal offers reliable and swift emergency tree care services. Whether you’re concerned about a potential issue or already in an emergency, contact us immediately to protect your home and surroundings. Our ISA-certified experts offer 24/7 emergency tree services to give you peace of mind.